What Is Your Ex Thinking During No Contact?

Coach Lee
2 min readSep 29, 2018

A lot of people want to know what their ex is thinking during the no contact period (a period of time where the person who has been broken up with does not contact the ex in any way whatsoever).

For more information, read The No Contact Rule.

They will ask if no contact makes their ex miss them or want to get back together, if the no contact rule works on men, women, etc.

If you want to know what is he thinking during no contact (or she), this article will explain the concept for both the male and female mind during no contact.

Let’s get started:

Get your ex back with Coach Lee’s Emergency Breakup Kit!

Many people who call me for coaching to get their ex back feel that when their ex broke up with them that a switch was flicked in their ex’s mind so that now their ex is cold and no longer feels anything for them. Unless your ex is truly dealing with mental problems or genuine/clinical character flaws, that is not the case.

It is most likely that your ex still cares about you and thinks about you during no contact. That does notmean you should reach out to them. You should not. If you’ve just been broken up with, read “What Do I Do If I Was Just Dumped?” for a detailed explanation of why this is the case and why it should encourage you.

Just because they’re thinking about you or even if your ex is missing you during no contact, that doesn’t mean you should text, call, or go see them. In fact, the opposite is true if you want to get them back. I discuss that in the articles linked to above but that’s not what this article is about.

Here’s the deal:

Yes, your ex probably doesn’t have bad thoughts about you unless you two broke up due to shared anger at each other. But even then, if you are giving your ex space and not pestering them with texts and calls, they are likely using your greatest ally — their mind — to separate the anger at the end from the rest of your relationship. That’s right, your ex’s mind is your greatest ally in your fight to get them back.

Your ex probably doesn’t feel the effects of no contact at the same trajectory you do.

Usually the person who has been broken up with feels the pain of no contact immediately and then begins to develop strength over time. The person who did the dumping usually feels strength (and often relief) at the very first, but with the days and weeks of no contact your ex likely begins to develop feelings of doubt in their decision, missing you, fear that you have moved on, and confusion that you have not chased, begged, and pleaded as most others do after being dumped. You want them thinking along those lines! Continue Reading This Article Here.



Coach Lee

Coach Lee helps people get their ex back after breakups and save marriages from divorce. See https://MyExBackCoach.com and https://YouTube.com/@realcoachlee